萬豪2025 Q1隱藏攻略
善用Home and Villas,輕鬆刷房晚、省荷包!
活動網址 👉https://travelideas.us/HVMI
萬豪 Marriott 2025 年第一季的促銷活動(👉文章),除了涵蓋大家熟悉的品牌外,連「Home & Villas」也可以參與!Home & Villas 比較少人關注,但其實 CP 值很高,超適合長住與家庭旅遊!尤其是家庭旅遊人頭費可以省下不少錢
💖小編親測:之前住過日本廣島的 Home & Villas,賺了16萬積分的BUG活動,實際結算是積分價值>房費(目前應該再也看不到了)
近期 3月則計畫入住馬來西亞吉隆坡10晚日均不到40USD。小編在查詢時還發現,韓國的價格更是優惠,分享給想要刷房晚的朋友們參考!
🏡 Home & Villas 限時 9 折!刷房更划算!
現在 Home & Villas 正在進行限時 9 折優惠,活動至 2025 年 3 月 27 日止!這波折扣搭配 Q1 活動,不僅能省下一筆住宿費,還能有效累積萬豪房晚,真的是絕佳機會!
💡 活動亮點:
🔹 9 折優惠 + 萬豪 Q1 活動疊加,挺划算的!
🔹 吉隆坡會收取每次清潔費不隨晚數增加,長住越划算!
🔹 適合家庭旅遊、長住度假、或想快速刷房晚的玩家!
🚀 小編親測優惠價格:
✔ 馬來西亞 Home & Villas 10 晚,每晚 36.5 美金(含折扣與清潔費)!
✔ 查詢發現韓國價格也很不錯,建議大家多比較不同地點!
✅ 預訂前必看:付款、取消政策與積分累積規則
在享受優惠與累積房晚之前,先來看看 Home & Villas 的付款與取消政策,確保你的預訂符合需求!
📌 付款與取消政策(14 天規則)
🔹 寬限期:若符合以下條件,可在 48 小時內免費取消:
- 預訂確認後 48 小時內取消
- 在預定抵達時間前至少 11 天確認預訂
🔹 付款政策:
- 抵達前 14 天內預訂:需支付 100% 費用
- 抵達前 14 天以上預訂:預訂時支付 50%,剩餘 50% 於入住前 14 天支付
- 使用積分或現金+積分支付:預訂時即扣除 100% 費用(現金 & 積分)
🔹 取消政策:
- 抵達前 14 天內取消:不予退款(除非適用寬限期)
- 抵達前 14 天以上取消:可獲得 100% 退款
Payment & Cancellation - 14 Day Policy付款和取消 - 14天政策
Grace Period: 寬限期:
- Guests may cancel for free provided that:
- (1) reservation is canceled within 48-hours of reservation confirmation, and (2) reservation was confirmed at least 11 days before scheduled arrival.如果滿足以下條件,房客可以免費取消:(1) 在預訂確認后 48 小時內取消預訂,並且 (2) 在預定抵達時間前至少 11 天確認預訂。
- 14 days or less prior to arrival: Guests pay 100% at time of reservation.抵達前 14 天或更短時間內:客人在預訂時支付 100% 的費用。
- More than 14 days before arrival: Guests pay 50% at time of reservation, the remaining 50% will be charged 14 days prior to arrival.抵達前 14 天以上:客人在預訂時支付 50% 的費用,剩餘的 50% 將在抵達前 14 天收取。
- For guests paying with Points or Cash & Points: 100% of payment of both Cash & Points will be deducted at time of reservation, once booking is verified within 48 hours.對於使用積分或現金加積分支付的客人:一旦預訂在48小時內得到驗證,現金和積分的支付將在預訂時扣除100%。
- 14 days or less prior to arrival: No refund issued, unless ‘Grace Period’ applies.抵達前 14 天或更短時間:除非「寬限期」適用,否則不予退款。
- More than 14 days before arrival: 100% refund.抵達前14天以上:100% 退款。
Earning Loyalty Program Points
You can earn Loyalty Program Points for a completed stay in a Home booked through the Platform, but not for multiple Homes in different cities on the same dates.
- Your Marriott Bonvoy member number must be correctly entered at the time of purchase to receive Points. You must be an existing member or sign up before booking.
- Points are earned at a rate of 5 base Points per $1 USD spent on Qualifying Charges for up to three Homes in the same city, as long as you stay in one and pay for all three.
- Elite Point bonuses are awarded based on your Elite tier, following the Marriott Bonvoy Loyalty Program Rules.
- Elite Night Credit is granted for completed stays, whether paid with cash or Points, but only for one Home per booking.
- Taxes, fees (e.g., cleaning, resort fees), and add-on services (e.g., extra housekeeping) do not qualify for Points.
- Points are only awarded for bookings made directly through the Platform, excluding any associated partners. Refunded purchases do not earn Points.
- Starting January 1, 2022, Qualifying Charges for completed stays will count toward Ambassador Elite Annual Qualifying Spend.
- Miles cannot be earned for purchases made through the Platform.
- If booking for someone else, Points go to the account entered at the time of booking. Only the staying Member earns Points and Elite Night Credit.
- Points will be credited to your Marriott Bonvoy account within 72 hours after your stay, provided your member number was correctly entered.
- Members using a Marriott Bonvoy co-branded credit card will receive their bonus Points at the same time.
- All Loyalty Program Rules apply to purchases made on the Platform.
如果還沒嘗試過 Home & Villas,這次活動是個好機會!無論是家庭旅遊、長住度假,還是單純想快速累積房晚,都可以考慮看看哦!
📌 活動期間有限,3/27 前把握 9 折優惠,再搭配萬豪 Q1 活動,雙重回饋更划算!
#萬豪 #Marriott
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