活動網頁👉 https://bit.ly/3DdxQLp
會員最優彈性房價的基礎上節省高達 20%。
📅入住日期: 2023年1月27日-2023年4月30日
📅預訂日期: 即日起至2023 年 2 月 6 日
✅台北 | 金普頓大安酒店
✅巴厘島 | 巴厘島納蘭塔金普頓酒店
✅東京 | 新宿金普頓酒店
✅曼谷 | 曼谷瑪萊金普頓酒店
✅蘇梅島 | 金普頓基塔萊蘇梅島酒店
✅悉尼 | 悉尼金普頓酒店
✅蘇州 | 金普頓竹林酒店
更多酒店詳👉 https://bit.ly/3DdxQLp
- Welcome to the terms and conditions, a.k.a. “small print,” where we are obliged to let you know that this offer is subject to availability at participating hotels and valid for stays January 27, 2023 through April 30, 2023.
- Offer must be booked by February 06, 2023. Hotels may have a minimum length of stay or advance purchase requirement.
- Discount and days of the week vary by hotel. This rate is fully prepaid at the time of booking and non-refundable. The world being the way it is, additional taxes and fees may apply.
- Not valid in conjunction with any other promotions or offers. Not valid for discounted or negotiated rates, groups or existing reservations. Finally, Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants reserves the right to cancel reservations booked with erroneous room rates.
- Welcome to the terms and conditions, a.k.a. “small print,” where we are obliged to let you know that this offer is subject to availability at participating hotels and valid for stays January 27, 2023 through April 30, 2023.
- Offer must be booked by February 06, 2023. For hotels in Europe, book using the 'Stay Longer, Pay Less' rate. Hotels may have a minimum length of stay requirement for this offer and can vary by hotel.
- Discount and days of the week available vary by hotel. A 1-night non-refundable deposit will be charged upon booking. This rate has a 3-day cancelation policy.
- If you cancel within 3 days or less of arrival you will be charged for the full stay. A 3-day advance purchase is required. Subject to availability, blackout dates apply and vary by hotel. The world being the way it is, additional taxes and fees may apply.
- Not valid in conjunction with any other promotions or offers. Not valid for discounted or negotiated rates, groups or existing reservations. Finally, Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants reserves the right to cancel reservations booked with erroneous room rates.
📅預訂時間:即日起至 2023/7/20
📅入住時間:即日起至 2023/7/24期間的周五、周六、周日、周一
📢IHG洲際全新酒店開業 專享雙倍積分👉https://bit.ly/3jnhWa5
📢IHG洲際Visa 卡在亞太地區可享受 15% 的折扣另有餐飲折扣20%👉https://bit.ly/3W8mSgU
📢IHG洲際提供MasterCard持卡人享受 15% 住宿與20%餐飲優惠👉https://bit.ly/3wP0EGA
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