



Hyatt凱悅即將啟動Q3″Bonus Journey"積分活動,入住兩晚可賺取三倍積分,配合優惠入住活動,還可以享優惠折扣低至七五折,以及免費住宿禮遇,具體詳情如下:












限時房費優惠已經開始了,贈送的免費住宿須在同次住宿中使用。而三倍積分活動要下個月才啟動,接棒Q2的贈送2,000分活動,目前註冊鏈接還沒有開放,等官方開放了,小編會及時推送通知大家。屆時如果兩個活動配合使用的話,住三晚只須支付兩晚費用,同時還能賺取三倍積分,錯過去年年底雙倍房晚活動的朋友還可以藉此機會沖一下環球客 ☞ Hyatt凱悅2021年會籍政策更新,達標要求全部減半。以上活動僅適用於在同一次入住的連續房晚,但房費折扣不限於此例。

另外還要提醒一下,凱悅最新一期的買分促銷活動即將到期,有需要的朋友抓緊啦!☞ Hyatt凱悅買分優惠促銷,可額外賺取30%獎勵(06/25前有效


Terms and Conditions:

  • Triple Points Bonus: You must be a member of World of Hyatt and register for the promotion between July 7, 2021 and August 20, 2021 to participate. To join World of Hyatt, visit, and to register for the promotion, visit All eligible stays under this promotion must be completed after registering and between July 20, 2021 and September 15, 2021 ("Promotion Period").

  • For every stay of two or more qualifying nights after registration, you will receive triple points on eligible spend for stays at Hyatt hotels and resorts worldwide and participating M life Rewards destinations, Small Luxury Hotels of the World ("SLH") hotels, and Lindblad Expeditions.

  • Eligible stays must include at least 2 consecutive nights at the same property, and at least two nights during the stay must be qualifying nights to count towards this offer. Only Base Points are tripled, and points awarded under this promotion are Bonus Points. Maximum 120,000 Bonus Points may be earned under this offer.

  • All points awarded under this promotion are Bonus Points. For the purpose of this promotion, a qualifying night is any night where a member is paying an Eligible Rate or redeems a free night award. Only the room occupied by the member will count toward this promotion. You must provide your World of Hyatt membership number at the time of check-in for each stay.

  • Please allow two to three weeks after check out for Bonus Points to be posted to your World of Hyatt account. Promotion may not be valid with other offers, promotions or discounts and is non-transferable. Hyatt reserves the right to alter or withdraw this promotion with a suitable substitute promotion of equal value (if legally required) at any time due to actual circumstances.

  • This promotion is subject to the terms and conditions of the World of Hyatt program available at Hyatt®, World of Hyatt®, and related marks are trademarks of Hyatt Corporation or its affiliates. ©2021 Hyatt Corporation. All rights reserved.


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