United Airlines美聯航里程購買促銷,最高贈送85%獎勵里程(05/25前有效)

United Airlines美聯航里程購買促銷




United Airlines美聯航新一次里程購買促銷開啟!即日起至2021年5月25日晚上11:59(北美中部時間),購買前程萬里里程(MileagePlus),最高可贈送85%獎勵里程,最低購買2,000里程起,里程贈送比例分如下幾個檔次:

  • 購買3,000及以上里程,贈送30%
  • 購買15,000及以上里程,贈送50%
  • 購買35,000及以上里程,贈送最高85%



另外美聯航還有加收一個稅費(tax recovery fee),小編算了下差不多7.5%,之前最高有過贈送到100%的活動,不過如果有85%的話,也算是還不錯的比例,大家可以根據各人需要決定是否購買。美聯航的里程在日本國內線的短途很好用,800里內只要8K里程(ANA執飛)。美聯航屬於星空聯盟,國航、深航、長榮、全日空、澳航、漢莎、新航、泰航等都屬於同個聯盟,另外美聯航的里程還可以與萬豪積分互相兌換(按一定比例)。




Terms and conditions:

  1. Promotional offer valid until 11:59 p.m. CT on May 25, 2021.
  2. Bonus miles count toward the 175,000-mile annual limit per account.
  3. You may purchase up to 175,000 miles per account per calendar year.
  4. Bonus miles will generally be credited to the recipient's MileagePlus account when the transaction is complete; provided that certain transactions may take up to 48 hours.
  5. Bonuses will be calculated on a per transaction basis only.
  6. The bonus amount applicable to a transaction is shown in the chart.
  7. Transactions may not be aggregated to calculate the bonus.
  8. The credit card.
  9. used in the transaction will be billed immediately upon purchaseMileage rates and other fees and offer terms are subject to change.
  10. Miles purchased are nonrefundable.
  11. Purchased miles do not count toward MileagePlus Premier® status.
  12. All MileagePlus Program rules and terms and conditions apply.
  13. GST/HST is charged to Canadian residents.
  14. QST will be charged to Quebec residents.
  15. Powered by Points to purchase United MileagePlus miles. Transaction will appear as 'Points United Miles'.
  16. Pricing is only available for purchases made through


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