【閃促】Choice Privileges精選國際酒店最新買分促銷,最高享40% bonus(09/08前有效)

【閃促】Choice Privileges精選國際酒店最新買分促銷

最高享40% bonus09/08前有效)


Choice Privileges精選國際酒店2020年最新買分活動啟動,現在到202098在官網買分有閃促優惠,單次交易1,000分起,每次累加1,000分,本次最高可買到250,000分,購買3,000分及以上可得bonus獎勵積分,獎勵分為三檔:
  • 3,000分及以上享20%bonus
  • 8,000分及以上享30%bonus
  • 15,000分及以上享40%bonus

以最高購買250,000分計算,一共可得350,000分,須支付2,475美元,每1,000分成本約為7.07美元,比Q2那次促銷要貴一點點(上次折合1,0006.93美元),但是購買上限又比上次有所提高。小編對Choice Privileges的使用不是很熟,唯一知道的是在日本很好用,大家可以參考看看。點擊這裡直達官網買分頁面。



Terms and Conditions:

20% Bonus offer applies to purchases of 3,000 to 7,000 points. 30% Bonus offer applies to purchases of 8,000 to 14,000. 40% Bonus offer applies to purchases of 15,000 or more. Transactions must be completed between 9:00 a.m. EST September 1, 2020 and 11:59 p.m. EST September 8, 2020 to be eligible for this bonus on points. Members may normally buy or receive up to a total of 180,000 points in a calendar year; during the term of this promotion, that limit is raised to 250,000 points. Purchased points are in USD and are applicable towards all Choice Privileges awards.

Must be a Choice Privileges® Rewards Program member; Points will be posted to your Choice Privileges account within 24 hours after your transaction is complete. Purchased points do not count toward Elite Status or Lifetime Elite Gold Status. Offer may not be valid for all members. All other terms and conditions of the Choice Privileges Rewards Program apply. Choice Hotels reserves the right to amend these terms or terminate this promotion at any time. Price includes all applicable fees. Purchased points are not refundable.




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