Marriott萬豪開放其他酒店會籍Status Match匹配挑戰活動
活動說明:使用其他酒店集團高等會籍匹配成功後可以獲得萬豪金或白金會籍,並進入90天賺取期(earning period),在此90天期間內白金會員消費滿15晚合格付費住宿、金會員則只需要5晚,即可將會籍保持到2022年2月。
- 希爾頓:金、鑽會員可匹配萬豪白金
- 洲際:白金、至悅可匹配萬豪白金
- 雅高:金可匹配萬豪金,鑽、白金匹配白金
- 凱悅:冒險家可匹配萬豪金,環球客匹配白金
在註冊活動期限內完成兩次有效住宿就可以得到一張價值25000積分的免房券receive a Free Night Award (worth up to 25,000 points)。(今天註冊120天內完成)註冊教學文章介紹👇👇👇
2020 萬豪 Marriott Bonvoy住二送一活動持續進行中(新人)
近期IHG買大使優惠活動,可獲贈40K Points
IHG洲際大使會員重磅福利 現在加入或續費可獲一晚免房,同時大使禮遇覆蓋麗晶酒店
近期也是IHG 打怪的好時機,會員等級要求都調低
⭕第三步:用萬豪白金再去Match Hilton鑽 👉申請連結
upgrade to Diamond
Stay 18 nights within your 90 day trial period and we’ll upgrade your status to Diamond through March 31, 2022.
Match to Gold 匹配金卡
Stay 10 nights within your 90 day trial period to keep Gold status through March 31, 2022
Hilton希爾頓酒店開放其他酒店集團的會籍匹配Status Match-金卡匹配、升級鑽卡-會籍可到2022年3月Hilton新活動~雙倍積份,雙倍房晚,可加速鑽挑只要入住9晚即可獲得鑽卡👉申請連結
HiltonDouble Rewards,即"雙重獎勵",這裡雙重獎勵不僅是住宿可賺取雙倍積分,而且還能獲得雙倍房晚!

匯豐旅人卡~HSBC 匯豐銀行全新推出~💳2020常旅客專用哩程信用卡
Step 1:訪問萬豪會籍匹配頁面,註冊並登錄萬豪賬號(點擊這裡直達會籍匹配頁面)
Step 2:選擇你已參加的4家酒店集團會員計劃及當前的會員等級
·金卡 —— 25%積分獎勵、下午2點延遲退房、迎賓贈禮、優先客房升級等
· 白金卡 —— 50%積分獎勵、下午4點延遲退房、酒廊使用權、早餐、迎賓贈禮等
☞ Marriott萬豪2020新會員"住二送一"活動延期進行中
☞ Marriott萬豪全新積分活動,每次入住獎勵2,500點,第三次還可額外一次性賺取5,000點(10/18前有效)
Status Match Taste of Platinum Terms & Conditions
- Marriott Bonvoy™ members with base membership (Member), Silver Elite or Gold Elite status are eligible for this promotion; members with Platinum Elite, Titanium Elite or Ambassador Elite status are ineligible for this promotion.
- Enrollment in Marriott Bonvoy is required to be eligible for this promotion; visit marriottbonvoy.com/join to enroll.
- Please allow up to 10 business days for registration approval. If approved, member will be upgraded to Platinum Elite within 24 to 48 hours.
- Marriott Bonvoy members will receive Platinum Elite status for 90 days (“earning period”) upon registration approval. Member will have 90 days to book and consume 15 eligible paid nights to retain Platinum Elite status until February 2022. After that, Platinum Elite status will be retained by staying the required number of eligible nights under the terms of the Marriott Bonvoy program.
- Marriott Bonvoy members who do not book and consume 15 eligible paid nights within 90 days after registration approval will revert to the membership level they held prior to this promotion, or to the membership level that corresponds to their total qualifying nights, whichever is higher. To learn more about Elite requirements, visit marriott.com/loyalty/terms/default.mi#elite.
- Nights consumed prior to registration approval are not eligible.
- Credit toward this promotion is given for eligible paid nights consumed at participating Marriott Bonvoy hotels that occur within the earning period.
- For a list of current Marriott Bonvoy participating brands, visit https://www.marriott.com/loyalty/earn/hotels.mi.
- Only one room per hotel or resort is counted toward a member's nights.
- Paid nights at a qualifying rate count toward the promotion. Nights spent while redeeming an award are ineligible and do not count toward the promotion.
- Rooms booked through most third-party online retailers and select travel agency bookings are ineligible to earn for this promotion.
- Marriott Vacation Club® owner-occupied weeks are not eligible for credit.
- Stays at Marriott Executive Apartments® and Homes and Villas by Marriott International are not eligible for credit.
- Promotion is nontransferable. Promotion is valid for one-time use.
- This promotion is subject to modification, cancellation or limitation at Marriott’s discretion, with or without notice.
- Void for Marriott International, Inc., employees.
- Promotion is applicable to individual members only and not to groups.
- All Marriott loyalty program terms and conditions apply and are subject to change with or without notice.
- For more information, visit https://www.marriott.com/loyalty/terms/default.mi.
- Marriott International, Inc., is not responsible for omissions or typographical errors. Void where prohibited by law.
Status Match Taste of Gold Terms & Conditions
- Marriott Bonvoy™ members with base membership (Member) or Silver Elite status are eligible for this promotion; members with Gold Elite, Platinum Elite, Titanium Elite or Ambassador Elite status are ineligible for this promotion.
- Enrollment in Marriott Bonvoy is required to be eligible for this promotion; visit marriottbonvoy.com/join to enroll.
- Please allow up to 10 business days for registration approval. If approved, member will be upgraded to Gold Elite within 24 to 48 hours.
- Marriott Bonvoy members will receive Gold Elite status for 90 days (“earning period”) upon registration approval. Member will have 90 days to book and consume five (5) eligible paid nights to retain Gold Elite status until February 2022. After that, Gold Elite status will be retained by staying the required number of eligible nights under the terms of the Marriott Bonvoy program.
- Marriott Bonvoy members who do not book and consume five (5) eligible paid nights within 90 days after registration approval will revert to the membership level they held prior to this promotion, or to the membership level that corresponds to their total qualifying nights, whichever is higher. To learn more about Elite requirements, visit marriott.com/loyalty/terms/default.mi#elite.
- Nights consumed prior to registration approval are not eligible.
- Credit toward this promotion is given for eligible paid nights consumed at participating Marriott Bonvoy hotels that occur within the earning period.
- For a list of current Marriott Bonvoy participating brands, visit https://www.marriott.com/loyalty/earn/hotels.mi.
- Only one room per hotel or resort is counted toward a member's nights.
- Paid nights at a qualifying rate count toward the promotion. Nights spent while redeeming an award are ineligible and do not count toward the promotion.
- Rooms booked through most third-party online retailers and select travel agency bookings are ineligible to earn for this promotion.
- Marriott Vacation Club® owner-occupied weeks are not eligible for credit.
- Stays at Marriott Executive Apartments® and Homes and Villas by Marriott International are not eligible for credit.
- Promotion is nontransferable. Promotion is valid for one-time use.
- This promotion is subject to modification, cancellation or limitation at Marriott’s discretion, with or without notice.
- Void for Marriott International, Inc., employees.
- Promotion is applicable to individual members only and not to groups.
- All Marriott loyalty program terms and conditions apply and are subject to change with or without notice.
- For more information, visit https://www.marriott.com/loyalty/terms/default.mi.
- Marriott International, Inc., is not responsible for omissions or typographical errors. Void where prohibited by law.
13 留言
回覆刪除你好,謝謝你們的文章介紹!請問買IHG大使後,首先利用白金去MATCH萬豪白金,是否可以同時用這IHG大使白金去MATCH Hilton鑽? 太晚看到你們的文章,怕期限內來不及住到合格天數阿!謝謝!
回覆刪除最好拿萬豪白金去MATCH HILTON..機會大一點哦!!,但現在都會先給金,然後最新的活動有雙倍房晚可以快速升鑽
刪除謝謝回覆!如果MATCH萬豪白金後,就可以拿去MATCH HILTON鑽嗎?還是得等15晚拿到後才能去MATCH呢?(抱歉問題一堆!)
回覆刪除請問如果剛剛加入了洲際大使,可以直接match萬豪白金嗎?有需要先match hilton,或是住宿紀錄嗎 謝謝