- 新會員的前5次住宿每次可賺取2,000獎勵積分,最高可以獲得10,000分
- 舊會員通過推薦好友註冊並消費,每次也可以得到相應的獎勵2,000分
- 一位舊會員每個日曆年最多推薦5名好友,這樣,舊會員最多可以獲得50,000分。
- 今年最後一次!Marriott萬豪買分折扣!購買2000點或以上點數可享30%優惠(12/22前)
- 年終最後一場~IHG洲際酒店Buy Points買分促銷 最高贈送100%獎勵(12/30截止)另有80%獎勵+10%折扣
- 2019最新閃促~Hilton Buy Points 希爾頓買分促銷~ 最高可享100% Bonus(11/26前)
- Hyatt凱悅最新買分活動,購買5000分及以上贈送40%獎勵

- Marriott萬豪歐洲區部分酒店推出隨行兒童免費食宿優惠 (12/27前預訂)
- Marriott萬豪美加度假酒店每日可享100美元消費額度(2020/1/31前預訂)
- 入住Marriott萬豪旗下亞洲區部分酒店可得5000積分和酒店消費額度等獎勵(2020/3/31前預訂)
- 今年最後一次!Marriott萬豪買分折扣!購買2000點或以上點數可享30%優惠(12/22前)
- 游蘇州享超值禮遇 — Marriott萬豪旗下蘇州地區酒店推出會員住宿優惠套餐(12/31前有效)
- Marriott萬豪旗下多家奢華酒店推出 浪漫情侶套餐(12/31日前有效)
- 【新店開業】會員入住Marriott萬豪旗下深圳萬麗每次可享1000積分(11.19-12.31)
- Marriott萬豪香港地區酒店入住即贈最高1200港元餐飲額度(12/30前有效)
- Marriott萬豪旗下芝加哥地區酒店入住最高贈送5000積分(12/31前有效)
- 早鳥折扣 ~JW萬豪越南河內提早預訂最低可享七折優惠(2020/3/1)
- Marriott萬豪Q4活動-入住兩次可以獲得2,000獎勵積分,再住享更多優惠!(2019年12月31日前註冊)
- 預訂入住Marriott萬豪美國部分酒店最高獲贈3,000獎勵積分(12/23前有效)
- 預訂Marriott萬豪旗下曼谷萬怡Courtyard Bangkok“Lovely Family Package”可享成人免費早餐及兒童免費早午晚餐(12/31前有效)
- 另一種Marriott萬豪旅享家白挑~利用阿里88VIP飛猪F3獲得白金的最佳方法
- 入住Marriott萬豪歐洲酒店 可享受早鳥價最高25%優惠!
- 入住Marriott萬豪歐洲酒店 最高可獲得漢莎航空 (Lufthansa) 1,000 Miles & More miles!入住Marriott萬豪歐洲酒店 最多可贏取1,000 Avios獎勵積分!(12/31前)
- Marriott萬豪中文訂房網正式重出江湖
- 入住Marriott萬豪紐約切爾西MOXY酒店(Moxy NYC Chelsea)可額外贏取5000獎勵積分!(12/31前)
- Mastercard萬事達卡入住Marriott萬豪 中東和非洲地區酒店 最高可享2晚免費!(12/31前)
- 萬豪旅享家(Marriott Bonvoy)千家美味七折開吃(12/31前)~ ~亞太區會員專屬禮遇介紹
- 2019 萬豪Marriott Bonvoy 住二送一活動持續進行中(新人)
Terms and Conditions:
Marriott Bonvoy™ members can earn up to 50,000 bonus points each calendar year by referring friends & colleagues into the Reward a Friend program.
- Sponsor a new member through the Reward a Friend program.
- Each time the new member makes a stay, the sponsoring member receives 2,000 bonus points, up to 5 stays.
- Members can sponsor up to 5 new members each year.
- Your referrals will also earn 2,000 Marriott Bonvoy bonus points beginning with their first paid stay, up to 5 stays. That’s 10,000 bonus points in addition to the base points they’ll earn.
- Stays your referrals make at any participating Marriott Bonvoy™ hotel qualify and must be made within 365 days of enrollment.
- New members must sign up through the Reward a Friend channels and provide their sponsor’s name and Marriott Bonvoy account number.
- Channels include https://www.marriott.com/loyalty/earn/reward-a-friend.mi or by calling Customer Support at 800-450-4442 in U.S. and Canada and referencing the Reward a Friend program.
- Sponsor must be a member in good standing with the Marriott Bonvoy Program.
- New members who join through the Reward a Friend program must designate Marriott Bonvoy points as their earning preference.
- Miles earning preference is not an option with the Reward a Friend program.
- Should any of the initial 5 stays be retroactively deducted from the new member’s account, the bonus points will also be deleted from the sponsor’s account.
- New members cannot retroactively designate a sponsor. Sponsorship must be determined at the time of new member’s enrollment.
- Marriott Bonvoy reserves the right to end the Reward a Friend program at any time.
- A stay is defined as consecutive nights spent in the same hotel, regardless of check-in/check-out activity.
- Full Marriott Bonvoy Terms & Conditions apply; visit https://www.marriott.com/loyalty/terms/default.mi for Marriott Bonvoy Terms & Conditions.
- For a list of current Marriott Bonvoy participating brands, visit https://www.marriott.com/loyalty/earn/hotels.mi
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