那些已經使用積分兌換了明年3月之後的酒店的朋友可以放心,如果屆時公布的是屬於淡季兌換標準,凱悅將會自動退還多餘的積分,而如果標準改為旺季,所需積分更多,酒店也不會讓你再補差額的積分,這點還是比較良心。其次,使用積分在酒店消費餐飲、SPA等將獲得更多優惠,也就是說積分用於消費將更值錢,兌換比最多比原來多50%,新辦法將從2020年1月29日起實行。具體兌換比率如下表,以10美元為例,現行的標準是2,000分抵用10美元,新版則只需要一半,即1,000分。總的來說,使用積分兌換房晚將更考驗大家的眼力和計算能力, 也可以看出酒店鼓勵大家把積分多消費在酒店內的其他項目上。凱悅的買分活動還在進行中,大家根據需求不妨考慮下趁改版前湊點積分去兌換 –> Hyatt凱悅最新買分活動,購買5000分及以上贈送40%獎勵(12/31前有效)
- What is the peak, standard and off-peak award night point requirement structure?
It determines the number of points required from a member to redeem for an award night. The current structure is set to one point requirement for each type of award night available at a particular property. Under the new structure there will be 3 point requirement levels per award night (low, standard and high). This will be true of all types of award night, including free nights in a standard room, club-access room, or suite, as well as standard-room and suite Points + Cash awards.
Point requirements for redeeming an award night will be reduced in off-peak time periods and increased in peak time periods. Standard time period point requirements will follow today』s current point requirements for the applicable room.
- Are the current point requirements changing?
Standard redemption point requirements start at 5,000 points for a free night in a standard room, same as today. Off-peak standard-room free nights start at 3,500 points and peak standard-room free nights are no more than 5,000 points above standard point requirements.
- When will the new point requirement structure go into effect?
Expected to be implemented March of 2020.
- Will the new point requirements be set on a day-by-day basis?
Yes, each day available for award night redemption will be designated as either-peak, standard or off-peak.
- How are peak, standard and off-peak days determined?
They are determined based on demand.
- Once a particular day at a particular property has been publicly identified as peak, standard, or off- peak, will that classification change?
No, once the day』s classification has been displayed publicly, there will be no changes.
- How many days each year will be set to peak and off peak?
The majority of days will be set to standard each year.
- When this new point requirement structure goes into effect, will existing reservations be updated?
Existing award reservations for days that are designated as off-peak will be adjusted to the new reduced point requirement. All other reservations will remain as originally booked with no change to the required points.
- If a member changes dates of an existing reservation after the new structure goes into effect, will the new point requirement apply?
Yes, if dates change the new point requirement will apply.
- Will Points + Cash be impacted?
Yes, Points + Cash will now have 3 options: Peak, Standard and Off-Peak. Each option will remain 50% of the points required for a free night.
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