酒店積分兌換United Airlines(美聯航)可多賺取30%里程(11/30前有效)

酒店積分兌換United Airlines(美聯航)可多賺取30%里程(11/30前有效)
今天跟大家推薦的是United Airlines(美聯航,以下簡稱UA)的積分轉換活動,UA最近推出了合作夥伴酒店積分兌換里程的計劃,2019年11月30日前將酒店積分轉換為UA里程的,可以多賺取30%的里程(最高封頂25,000里程)。



萬豪60K積分可加贈5K里程,還會再贈送10%,也就是60K萬豪積分=((60/3)+5)*1.1=27.5K UA里程,最後再加上這次贈送的30%,最終可以兌到35750UA里程!

這還沒完,不要忘了萬豪的買分促銷還在進行中,買2,000以上積分省30%,利用足的話可以再省一筆,60K積分的現金成本大約是525美元,但是就剩三天截止,下手要快!詳情看這裡 —> 終於等到你!Marriott萬豪重啟買分折扣!購買2000點或以上點數可享30%優惠(10/18前)換完里程接下來怎麼花呢?我們看下UA的獎勵對照表,如從大陸或台灣出發,最省的是北亞區內的航程,最少只需要8,000里程

另一個UA好用的兌換(Excursionist Perk)

Free one way 官方介紹
  • (Excursionist Perk) 是在特定多個城市行程的免費單程獎勵。 以三個或更多單程獎勵預訂行程的會員,若符合下列所有條件,則符合資格可免費獲得其中一個單程獎勵:
  • (Excursionist Perk) 不適用於旅程出發地為前程萬里飛行計劃 (MileagePlus) 界定的區域。 (舉例而言,若您的旅程出發地為北美洲,若欲符合 (Excursionist Perk) 資格,則您的旅程目的地必須在北美境外區域。)
  • 旅程最終目的地必須與前程萬里飛行計劃 (MileagePlus) 界定的區域相同。
  • (Excursionist Perk) 的出發地與目的地必須位於單一前程萬里飛行計劃 (MileagePlus) 界定區域中。
  • 免費單程獎勵的機艙服務與獎勵類型比前面的單程獎勵標準相同或較低。
  • 若有兩個以上的單程獎勵符合資格,則僅第一個出現的行程為免費。

Terms and Conditions:

  • Registration:To qualify for this offer, members must register for the promotion between October 9, 2019 and 11:59pm EST November 30, 2019 ("Promotional Period").
  • Qualifying activity:A member must earn award miles as a result of one or more points to miles conversion transactions from any combination of MileagePlus hotel partner programs that offer a points to miles transfer program that are conducted during the Promotional Period ("Qualifying Activity") in order to qualify for MileagePlus Hotel Points-to-Miles bonus miles ("Bonus Miles"). Qualifying Activity must be completed by 11:59pm EST November 30, 2019.
  • Radisson Promotion: With respect to the conversion of Radisson Rewards points to United MileagePlus award miles, the 50% bonus miles earned from Radisson Rewards will be included as miles earned from Qualifying activity. Radisson offer ends November 26, 2019. See Radisson Rewards 50% bonus offer terms here.
  • Posting of Promotional Miles: At the conclusion of the promotion, all miles earned by each member from Qualifying Activity will be multiplied by 30% to determine the eligible bonus up to a maximum of 25,000 Bonus Miles. Bonus Miles will be credited into the member's account on or before January 30, 2020. The maximum bonus miles that can be earned by a member under this promotion is 25,000. MileagePlus will not be responsible for technical problems with partner miles postings, or failures or delays in miles postings by hotel partners, that would render any points to miles converted as ineligible under this promotion.
  • This offer is not combinable with other MileagePlus offers. Offer subject to change without notice. Other restrictions may apply. Miles accrued, awards, and benefits issued are subject to change and are subject to the rules of the United MileagePlus program, including without limitation the Premier® program (the "MileagePlus Program"), which are expressly incorporated herein.
  • Please allow 6-8 weeks after completed qualifying activity for miles to post to your account. United may change the MileagePlus Program including, but not limited to, rules, regulations, travel awards and special offers or terminate the MileagePlus Program at any time and without notice. United and its subsidiaries, affiliates and agents are not responsible for any products or services of other participating companies and partners. Taxes and fees related to award travel are the responsibility of the member. Bonus award miles, award miles and any other miles earned through non-flight activity do not count toward qualification for Premier status unless expressly stated otherwise. The accumulation of mileage or Premier status or any other status does not entitle members to any vested rights with respect to the MileagePlus Program.
  • All calculations made in connection with the MileagePlus Program, including without limitation with respect to the accumulation of mileage and the satisfaction of the qualification requirements for Premier status, will be made by United Airlines and MileagePlus in their discretion and such calculations will be considered final. Information in this communication that relates to the MileagePlus Program does not purport to be complete or comprehensive and may not include all of the information that a member may believe is important, and is qualified in its entirety by reference to all of the information on the website and the MileagePlus Program rules. United and MileagePlus are registered service marks. For complete details about the MileagePlus Program, go to


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