萬豪旅享家(Marriott Bonvoy)正式上線

萬豪旅享家(Marriott Bonvoy)正式上線

Marriott Bonvoy官方網站介紹

新萬豪終於完成了整併,SPG APP也一起更新了,再也回不去了..從此正式進入了Marriott Bonvoy的時代了,最新的買分活動己經推出,購買5000分以可享25%折扣

萬豪酒店推出取代了過去eBreaks和SPG Hot Escapes熱門逍遙遊活動,於每週四推出的每週『最後一分鐘酒店優惠活動Last-Minute-Hotel-Deals』。


Last-Minute-Hotel-Deals~周末入住Marriott萬豪參與活動酒店 可享8折優惠!


最佳攻略:住二次低價酒店,兌換 25,000 points酒店,比如..入住非旺季的北投雅樂軒2次成本約7000台幣,兌換旺季的宜蘭威斯汀(房價近萬元台幣)

2019 萬豪Marriott Bonvoy 住二送一活動持續進行中(新人)

萬豪旅享家Marriott Bonvoy與過去萬豪禮賞Marriott Rewards的改變

先簡單分享目前比較重大的改變1.會員等級變化2.積分轉讓上限可達500,000 Points (後續若有發現新的變化再補充)

小編的與萬豪結緣一開始是註冊VISA送的金卡,之後參加9Stay 白金挑戰之後合併變成了PPE,現在變成了鈦金卡





有關積分部份 接受移轉贈予上限增加至500,000分(很可惜買分還是只有50,000上限)


  1. 2.8 將積分從一個賬戶轉至另一個賬戶
    1. 2.8.a 根據第1.6.c條中所述的轉移積分的條件,會員可以於每個日曆年向另一會員賬戶完成最多100,000點積分的轉移,前提是這兩個賬戶資信良好,且均應已開通至少六十(60)天。會員在每個日曆年最多可以接受500,000點積分,只要該賬戶資信良好,且應已開通至少六十(60)天。
    2. 2.8.b 如果其賬戶反映出合資格的住宿或其他第1.6.d條下合資格的活動,新會員可在註冊三十(30)天后收到轉移積分。在註冊九十(90)天后,無論其賬戶活躍度如何,新會員都有資格收到轉移積分。
    3. 2.8.c 轉移積分的授權必須由轉讓賬戶的持有人發起,通過聯繫會員支持的方式進行。要求轉移的賬戶持有人在提出積分轉移請求時,必須提供積分接受人的賬戶。
    4. 2.8.d 一旦轉移授權被接受或被處理,轉讓人將放棄被轉移積分的所有權利,積分將變為接受人的積分。
    5. 2.8.e 里程和累計尊貴會籍有效房晚不能在會員賬戶之間轉移。
  2. 2.9 購買積分會員可以購買或接受其他會員購買的積分,每個日曆年所購買的積分合計最多不超過50,000。積分可以按每1000個積分12.50美元的價格購買,所購買的積分數量應是1,000的倍數。在購買和/或獲得積分時,會員應當資信良好。新會員可在註冊三十(30)天后購買積分,但前提條件是其賬戶反映出合資格的住宿或其他第1.6.d條下合資格的活動。在註冊九十(90)天后,無論其賬戶活躍度如何,新會員都有資格購買積分。購買交易可能至多需要四十八(48)小時才能完成,並且積分將被轉移至接收人的賬戶。一旦購買積分,將不允許退款。使用萬豪聯名信用卡購買積分應依據第6條中的細則及條款符合賺取積分的條件。

2.8 Transferring Points from One Account to Another

2.8.a.  In accordance with the conditions for transferring Points as described in Section 1.6.c., a Member can transfer up to a maximum of 100,000 Points per calendar year to another Membership Account as long as both Accounts are in good standing and have each been open for at least sixty (60) days. A Member can receive up to a maximum of 500,000 Points per calendar year from other Membership Accounts as long as the Accounts are in good standing and have each been open for at least sixty (60 days).
2.8.b.  A new Member may receive a Points Transfer thirty (30) days after enrollment if the Account reflects activity including a Qualifying Stay or other qualifying activity as described in Section 1.6.d.  After ninety (90) days from enrollment, a new Member is eligible to receive a Points Transfer regardless of their account activity.
2.8.c.  Authorization to transfer Points must be initiated by the Account holder with the Points to be transferred by contacting Member Support. The Account holder requesting the transfer must provide the Membership Number of the Points recipient at the time of the Point transfer request.
2.8.d.  Once the authorization for transfer is received and processed, the transferor relinquishes all rights to the transferred Points, and they become the recipient’s Points.
2.8.e.  Miles and Elite Night Credit cannot be transferred between Membership Accounts.

2.9 Purchase Points.

A Member may purchase or receive Points purchased by another Member for a combined maximum of 50,000 Points per calendar year.  Points may be purchased at the rate of $12.50 U.S. dollars per 1,000 Points and can be purchased in increments of 1,000.  A Member must be in good standing to purchase and/or receive Points.  A new Member may purchase Points thirty (30) days after enrollment if the Account reflects activity including a Qualifying stay or other qualifying activity as described in Section 1.6.d.  After ninety (90) days from enrollment, a new Member is eligible to purchase Points regardless of their Account activity.  The purchase transaction may take up to forty-eight (48) hours to be completed and for the Points to be transferred to the recipient’s Account.  Once Points have been purchased, no refunds will be permitted.  Purchasing Points using a Marriott Co-Brand Credit Card may qualify for earning Points in accordance with the terms and conditions in Section 6.




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