Choice Privileges精選國際酒店最新買分促銷,最高享40% bonus(04/29前有效)
Choice Privileges精選國際酒店2022年第一次買分活動啟動,即日起至2022年4月29日在官網買分有閃促優惠,最高可額外賺取40%的獎勵積分。單次交易1,000分起,每次累加1,000分,本次最高可買到180,000分,購買4,000分及以上可得比例不等的bonus獎勵積分,獎勵分為四檔:
- 購買4,000-7,000分享15%bonus
- 購買8,000-15,000分享20%bonus
- 購買16,000-23,000分享30%bonus
- 購買24,000分及以上享40%bonus

以最高購買180,000分計算,一共可得252,000分,須支付1,854美元,每1,000分成本約為7.4美元。小編對Choice Privileges不是很熟,唯一知道的是在日本很好用,大家可以參考看看。點擊這裡直達官網買分頁面。
小編在找日本的Choice酒店時看到這間覺得很漂亮,這間是位於沖繩的那霸紅色星球旅館(Comfort Inn Naha Tomari Port),距離那霸市中心僅幾分鐘路程,平日積分兌換在16,000分左右。


Terms and Conditions:
- Transactions must be completed between 9 AM EST March 28, 2022 and 11:59 PM EST April 29, 2022 to be eligible for this Discount offer. There is a 4,000 point purchase minimum that applies.
- Must be a Choice Privileges® Rewards Program member; Points will be posted to your Choice Privileges account within 24 hours after your transaction is complete. Purchased points do not count toward Elite Status or Lifetime Elite Gold Status.
- Transactions are final and non-refundable. Offer may not be valid for all members. All other terms and conditions of the Choice Privileges Rewards Program apply. Choice Hotels reserves the right to amend these terms or terminate this promotion at any time.
- Price includes all applicable fees. A GST/HST charge applies to purchases by Canadian residents. An additional QST charge applies to purchases by Quebec residents.
- Purchased points are not refundable and are applicable towards all Choice Privileges rewards.
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