雅高Accor Hotels東南亞3日(11/13-15)閃促 最高可達40%折扣 (新加坡、馬來西亞、印度尼西亞和印度)

雅高Accor Hotels東南亞3日閃促

  • 11月13日至15日預訂
  • 立即註冊,並參加500萬Le Club AccorHotels獎勵積分的幸運抽獎,10位幸運的Le ClubHorels俱樂部會員每人贏得500,000獎勵積分(價值10,000歐元)(獲獎者名單將於2018年11月30日在此頁面公佈)
  • Accor Plus會員享受額外10%的折扣

1. 2018年11月13日至15日期間預訂,僅限2018年11月27日至2019年4月30日期間,新加坡,馬來西亞和印度尼西亞的酒店將為雅高酒店和Le Club AccorHotels會員提供優惠。
3.雅高Plus會員可獲得額外10%的折扣和Accor Plus條款和條件應用。

1.此外,在2018年11月13日AEDT上午12點至2018年11月15日(促銷期)下午11點59分之間預訂“亞太地區促銷”優惠活動的參與者將有資格參加由AAPC組織的幸運抽獎(“抽獎”)。有限公司(ABN 87 009 175 820)位於新南威爾士州悉尼市皮特街123號天使廣場30樓(“促銷員”),前提是參與者:
(i)是Le Club AccorHotels持卡人; 
(v)通過AccorHotels分銷渠道(AccorHotels網站,AccorHotels移動應用程序,AccorHotels中央預訂,酒店)以及使用自動連接到AccorHotels Central Reservations的GDS的傳統旅行社預訂書籍。因此,如果您的住宿是與零售商,旅遊運營商或第三方在線旅行社(如,booking.com等)預訂,則您不符合條件。

1.抽獎活動將於2018年11月28日AEDT 14:00在新南威爾士州中性灣2088號Yeo街40號MDSA舉行,並將從合格參賽者中隨機抽取十(10)名獲獎者。
2.前10名符合條件的參賽者將獲得500,000 Le Club AccorHotels積分獎勵積分。每個獎項的價值是15043澳元。總獎池的最大零售價為150,433澳元。

1. The offer can be booked from 13 to 15 November 2018 for Accor Plus and Le Club AccorHotels members only, for stays from 27 November 2018 to 30 April 2019 for hotels in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia, and 22 November 2018 to 21 November 2019 for hotels in India.
2. The special discounts below are only valid at participating hotels:
(i) 40% discount in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia
(ii) 10% discount in India
3. Accor Plus members receive an additional 10% discount and Accor Plus terms and conditions apply.
4. Bookings are payable in full at time of reservation and are non-exchangeable, non-refundable and non-transferable. No cancellations or changes are possible.
5. Offer is subject to availability at participating hotels. This Promotion cannot be combined with any other offer(s).
6. Le Club AccorHotels members can accumulate Status and Rewards points when booking through eligible channels in all participating AccorHotels* and Le Club AccorHotels terms and conditions apply. Le Club AccorHotels members can accumulate Status and Rewards points when booking through eligible channels in all participating AccorHotels* and Le Club AccorHotels terms and conditions apply.

1. In addition, participants who book the “Asia Pacific Sale” Offer between 12.01am AEDT on 13 November 2018 and 11.59pm AEDT 15 November 2018 (Promotion Period) will qualify for entry in a lucky draw (“Draw”) organised by AAPC Limited (ABN 87 009 175 820) of Level 30, Angel Place, 123 Pitt Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000. (“Promoter”), provided that the participant:
(i) is a Le Club AccorHotels cardholder;
(ii) is aged 18 years old and older on the date of entry in the Draw;
(iii) must register to the promotion;
(iv) prepays the stays at Participating properties* during the Promotion Period;
(v) books stays via AccorHotels distribution channels (AccorHotels websites, AccorHotels mobile applications, AccorHotels Central Reservations, hotels) and traditional travel agencies using a GDS that is automatically connected to AccorHotels Central Reservations. You are therefore not eligible if your stay is booked with a retailer, a tour operator or a third-party online travel agency (such as,, etc.).
2. For the avoidance of doubt, the following persons are not eligible to participate in the Draw:
(i) employees of the Promoter, AccorHotels worldwide or their subsidiaries, and their immediate family members; and
(ii) employees of any agencies associated with the Draw.
(iii) where prohibited by law.
3. Only one entry in the Draw per household (same name, same postal address) is permitted.
4. In cases of conflict between the English language version of these terms and conditions and the local language version of these terms and conditions, the English language version of these terms and conditions shall prevail.

1. The Draw will take place on 28 November 2018 at 14:00 AEDT at MDSA, Level 2, 40 Yeo Street, Neutral Bay NSW 2089 and ten (10) winners will be randomly drawn from amongst the qualifying entrants.
2. The first 10 eligible entrants drawn will each receive 500,000 Le Club AccorHotels Rewards points. The value of each prize is AU$15,043. Maximum retail value of the total prizepool is AU$150,433.
3. The Reward points will be credited to the member account within ten (10) days after the draw date.
4. Reward points are non-transferable, cannot be returned, exchanged or redeemed for cash or any sort of gift. The Promoter reserves the right to substitute the prize with a prize of at least an equivalent value.
5. The winners will be notified by a prize notification email at the address stated in their registration with LCAH within two (2) business days after the draw, and winners will be published on from 30 November 2018, for a minimum of 28 days. Entrants who have not won will not be contacted.
6. The Promoter’s decision regarding the award of all prizes, and/or in every situation including any not covered in these Terms and Conditions, shall be final and binding on all participants in the contest, and no queries, challenges or appeals may be made or entertained regarding the Promoter’s decision on the same. The receipt by any winner of any prize under this Draw is conditional upon compliance with any and all applicable laws, rules and regulations.
7. The Promoter may further communicate with the prize winner for the purpose of determining his/her eligibility to participate in the Draw or eligibility to receive the prize, including contacting him/her to authenticate his/her identity and any submitted information on his/her citizenship and to carry out such other activities as are necessary to administer or organise the Draw. If the prize winner fails to provide the required information by the deadline or fails to promptly satisfy the Promoter as to his identity and eligibility, the prize winner shall be deemed to have forfeited his prize. If the entrant drawn is unable to accept the prize in its entirety, including on the dates indicated by the Promoter, the prize will be forfeited and no compensation will be given or paid in lieu, and another entrant will drawn.
8. Acceptance of any prize shall constitute a release and discharge of the Promoter by each winner from any and all liability, claims, demands, causes of action, and/or damages which the winner may have, whether known or unknown at the present time, of any nature whatsoever, arising out of or relating to:
(i) the contest,
(ii) personal injury and/or property damage, theft or loss suffered by the winner as a result of the use and/or enjoyment of the prize, and/or
(iii) any tax liabilities in relation to the contest, prize and/or use or enjoyment of the same.
9. The Draw is governed by these Terms and Conditions. Entry in the Draw implies unreserved acceptance of these Terms and Conditions, as well as of all provisions and ethical rules on the internet.
10. In the event that a Prize remains forfeited by 28 February 2019, the Promoter will conduct a redraw, following the same procedure and format as set out under ‘Draw and Prizes’ - condition 1 above. The redraw will take place at 2.00pm (AEDT) at the same location as the original draw on 14 March 2019.  The names of the Prize Winners, if any, will be published on from 21 March 2019, for a minimum of 28 days

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