廈門艾美酒店Le Méridien Xiamen
合家歡樂套餐-Family Package
Family Package活動官網
折扣碼: DALY0A
廈門艾美酒店為您量身打造了親子樂活套餐,網球、游泳課程、美食、兒童加床……您想到想不到的一個套餐搞定,還等什麼帶上孩子來艾美共度難忘的美好時光吧! 高級房入住一晚600元++起,包含:
- 每日雙人自助早餐及1位1.2米以下兒童早餐
- 1.2米以下兒童可加床一張
- 自助午餐和晚餐可享受5折優惠,1米2以下兒童可隨父母用餐
- 每周六周日中午,住店客人6歲及6歲以上的小朋友可參加健身中心游泳課和全日制餐廳的手工活動
- 每房每次入住至多二張鼓浪嶼鋼琴博物館門票(不可累計)
- 穿梭巴士至東渡郵輪碼頭和中山路,需至少提前1小時預訂
- 每次入住可享受3件洗衣,超出部分5折優惠
- 兒童可在兒童樂園暢讀「童年同享」的實體書或者電子讀物
- Offer is subject to availability at the time of reservation.
- Zongzi bag cannot exchange for cash, cannot accumulate.
- A limited number of rooms may be available at these rates.
- Blackout dates and other restrictions may apply.
- Offer not applicable to groups.
- Not to be combined with other offers or promotions and subject to change.
- Not responsible for omissions or typographical errors.
- Void where prohibited by law.
- Starwood reserves the right to discontinue this offer at any time.
- Starpoints, SPG, Starwood Preferred Guest, Sheraton, Four Points, W, Aloft, Le Meridien, The Luxury Collection, Element, Westin, St. Regis and their respective logos are the trademarks of Marriott International, Inc., or its affiliates.
夏季套餐-Summer Package
Summer Package活動官網
折扣碼: DALY0C
- 每日雙人自助早餐
- 高速互聯網。
- 雙人的新食譜餐廳自助午餐或者樂美中餐廳的自助茶點。額外支付100元即可升級為自助晚餐。
- 每周六周日,住店客人6歲及6歲以上的小朋友可參加健身中心游泳課(14:00~15:00)
- 可以使用酒店網球場一小時,酒店提供網球拍和球。
- 探索仙岳山(7:00~8:00)
- 享受洗衣服務30%的折扣優惠。
- 穿梭巴士到廈門國際郵輪碼頭(鼓浪嶼)和中山路。
- Offer is subject to availability at the time of reservation.
- A limited number of rooms may be available at these rates.
- Shuttle Bus: Departure from hotel at 10:00,14:00,19:30 everyday and additional for weekend and public holiday at 09:00&17:00(One hour advanced booking is required).
- Hotel activity required one day advance booking.
- Blackout dates and other restrictions may apply.
- Offer not applicable to groups.
- Not to be combined with other offers or promotions and subject to change.
- Not responsible for omissions or typographical errors.
- Void where prohibited by law.
- Starwood reserves the right to discontinue this offer at any time.
- Starpoints, SPG, Starwood Preferred Guest, Sheraton, Four Points, W, Aloft, Le Meridien, The Luxury Collection, Element, Westin, St. Regis and their respective logos are the trademarks of Marriott International, Inc., or its affiliates.
廈門艾美酒店中國, 福建, 廈門 冠軍路 7 號, 南山 郵政編碼 361006
Phone: (86)(592) 770 9999
Fax: (86)(592) 770 9998
Phone: (86)(592) 770 9999
Fax: (86)(592) 770 9998
不到70美元價格入住廈門艾美酒店(Le Méridien Xiamen)
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